My First job in Financial world as Relationship Manager


Last night, I found it difficult to sleep as my mind was filled with thoughts about my recent venture into the financial sector. These thoughts led me to reflect on the beginning of my career, the challenges I encountered, and the camaraderie with colleagues, alongside the enjoyable events and parties.

Throughout my career, I've experienced numerous ups and downs due to factors such as corporate politics, the nation's economic conditions, and the financial pressures on organizations. These factors have impacted my career multiple times. I began my journey in 2012 as a Relationship Manager at IIFL. In this role, I was responsible for activities related to the Indian stock market, such as making calls and setting appointments with clients to open demat accounts for trading stocks on the NSE or BSE. As a newcomer to the field, I faced many challenges like

  • Who should I contact?
  • What should I clarify?
  • How can I explain demat accounts, shares, market growth, and investment?
  • Even with a thorough explanation, leads are hesitant to open a demat account due to the annual charges involved.?
  • Not answering calls or canceling appointments on the appointment day?

  • Cross-selling products such as insurance to both existing and new clients?

  • Client complaints regarding money lost through trading.
  • Requests for brokerage concessions.
  • Delays in account openings.

The issues mentioned above are work-related, and similarly, I have faced numerous personal and mental challenges from family, friends, and society.

My parents were overly concerned about the salary I earned as a Relationship Manager. They did not feel good about my work because, at the time, there was a lack of awareness about the financial markets. Many viewed it as gambling, believing that any investment would be lost. However, like my parents, they did not understand that stock market investments require time to mature, and human psychology often prevents people from staying invested long enough to see substantial returns.

Furthermore, during that period, the IT sector was rapidly expanding, with salaries significantly higher than in other fields. The benefits IT professionals received, including a five-day work week and a party culture on weekends, ultimately led me to make an ill-advised decision to switch to a job in the IT field as a Business Analyst.


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