Creativity of ChatGPT in putting my wrong prompt into story

Today I am a little bit lazy due to the climate. In that laziness, I wrongly prompted the ChatGPT instead convert requirement into userstory and asked about my requirement for the story. My mistake turned into a beautiful story that I can explain to my team while grooming those stories in future sprints. 

Prompt : convert the requirement into story


  •  "Show" options: Display number of records onscreen based on selection.

  •  Options are 50 (default), 100, 150, and 250. 

  • Pagination should adjust based on the number of records being displayed. 

  • Disable options that are not relevant - example: if the table only has 40 records, disable the remaining options (100 150 and 250) Selection should be sticky by user within and across sessions. 

  • Display the number of records the user has selected when they navigate away from the page and return (if they were showing 100 records when they left; show 100 records when they return) Pagination is always visible and enabled. 

  • Always include First, Previous, Next and Last options. Disable First and Previous options when user is on first page. Disable Next and Last options when user is on last page. 

  • Show up to 5 numbered pages as applicable with the selected page highlighted -

  •  for example, if there are 10 pages, the navigation pattern would be: First, Previous, 1,2,3, 4, 5, Next, Last. Return to page user was on when they navigate away from the page and return (if they were on page 2 when they left; land them on page 2 when they return).

ChatGPT story:

Once upon a time in the digital realm, there existed a magical table that displayed various records to its visitors. The table was bestowed with a unique power to cater to the preferences of its users in the most user-friendly manner.

As visitors flocked to this enchanted table, they were presented with an array of choices that offered different views of the records. The table was quite thoughtful, and it knew that not everyone desired the same experience. So, it showed options in groups of 50, 100, 150, and 250 records per page.

Whenever a visitor selected their preferred option, the table gracefully adjusted its pagination to accommodate the chosen number of records. It was like the table had a mind of its own, always staying in sync with the user's needs.

In its pursuit of perfection, the table even took care of scenarios where certain options might be unnecessary. If, for instance, the table held only 40 records, it would disable the options for 100, 150, and 250 records, showing only the default 50 as well as the options relevant to the available data.

But the table didn't stop there. It was equipped with a memory that remembered the user's choices, not only within the current session but across multiple visits. So, if a user decided to view 100 records and then left the page, the table ensured that upon their return, they would be greeted with the familiar sight of 100 records again.

As users roamed through the pages of the table, they found an ever-present guide in the form of pagination. The navigation was thoughtfully designed, featuring First, Previous, Next, and Last options, all readily available at their fingertips.

But the table knew how to be discreet as well. When users reached the first page, it cleverly hid the First and Previous options, understanding that there was no going back further. Similarly, upon reaching the last page, it gracefully disabled the Next and Last options, respecting the boundaries of the data.

In moments where there were more than five pages to explore, the table revealed its magic once again. It displayed up to 5 numbered pages, with the selected page thoughtfully highlighted, creating a seamless and pleasant navigation pattern.

And the most delightful part of this magical table was how it greeted returning users. If they had left while on a specific page, say page 2, it ensured they landed right back on page 2 when they returned. It was like the table's way of saying, "Welcome back, explorer! Continue your journey right where you left off."

And so, visitors from far and wide marveled at the marvel that was this enchanted table. Its user-friendly nature and thoughtful features won the hearts of all who encountered it. From that day forward, this magical table became a legend, spoken of in awe and admiration, inspiring other realms of the digital world to strive for greatness in their user experiences. And they all lived happily ever after. The end.


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