Is it possible to AI Technology to replace human intellect?

Today I went through one of the AI applications from OpenAI. I didn't believe AI could be revolutionary in the technical world in writing the code or creating art on its own because Technology can't replace the creative works of artists either in music, Artwork, or writing stories.
In the test of OpenAI, requested to write poetry on Product Management. I saw the unbelievable results from the OPEN AI artificial engine. 

My Query to Open AI engine: Write lyrics on product management 

 Verse 1: 
The pressure is high, and the stakes are even higher
It's a complex job, no one can deny 
You need to be savvy, know the industry 
Product management is what you do

Managing the product, every step of the way 
Making sure the process is smooth and safe 
Dealing with the stakeholders, push and pull 
Product management is the goal 

Verse 2: 
You have to strategize and think it through 
Leading the team to success 
Manage the lifecycle, the roadmap and the vision 
Product management is key 

 Managing the product, every step of the way 
Making sure the process is smooth and safe
 Dealing with the stakeholders, push and pull 
Product management is the goal 

 It's not an easy task, you have to work hard
 Stay focused and on top of it all 
You'll be rewarded, in the end, you'll excel 
Product management is your call

AI took nearly 2-3 seconds to write this poem and generate code and APIs to access the content through multiple datasets within a few seconds. 
One day AI would be a significant competitor to human brains in every industry. Now AI and ML in the exploration stage. If it reaches to extrapolation stage it would be very supportive and at the same time, it would be a chance to be destructive to mankind and it definitely challenges the competence of human in performing the jobs that supposed to do my mankind.


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