How to Prototype your Ideas?

 Every day, we come up with ideas without knowing, but if we don't document them somewhere, they will fly away from your memories stack 

Whenever your creative juices flow, make a note of every idea that comes into your mind. later, you can think about it more clearly by mindmapping your idea with relevent content around the idea. rather than fly in the air without doing any research on your idea. 

Copyrights@2022 by Krish

Ideas should stay in your recorded channel or in some form of manual copy like books to comeback and rethink. It should be taken further improvement to validate whether the idea is feasible or not in the current market conditions that require feedback from the end users. Even if feedback would be against an idea, need to accept the feedback and groom further to make sense to the users rather than leaving it as an orphan idea.

"Most of the Ideas generate in non traditonal Environment/setup"


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