How complicated to transfer Knowledge in Startups?


Knowledge Transfer is one of the vital HR policies in India to train and transfer the information

regarding the managed, operated, developed, and researched projects in the period of employment

to the other colleague in your team for a smooth transition.

Transition planning is a crucial task for HR and Reporting managers in any sector, consisting of 

  1. Who delivers the knowledge?

  2. List of projects handled and the work done on that project like documentation, and development

  3. (Code Reviews, Test Documents)?

  4. Transition planning has timelines.

  5. Hand overring the whole work to the designated colleague. 

This is for smooth Knowledge Transfer planning and everything must complete before the relieving


Coming to my situation in my last office, Transition plans and Knowledge Transfer subject lines are


But I am unable to come up with deadlines because of ill health and am stuck in my home town until

everything was good.

HR and Reporting Manager were in confusion about who will replace me and put their name in my place

as a replacement. At last, My HR came to me and asked me to fill the sheet with headings like below.


Project Name

Activity & Timelines


Allocated Employee


Few projects having priority 1, need to present KT to the CEO of my organisation and Priority 2 and

3 would

be given to my colleagues Dileep and Varun who are my coworkers and friends in the office. 

KT is planned and everything which I had in the recorded format like reports, documents and client

interactions transferred to designated colleagues. But my HR expects me to present everything to

my colleagues.So, the process is not completed.

I planned another day to come to the office and meet that Knowledge Transfer but my CEO was

not there.So, I completed the knowledge transfer of priority 2 and 3 tasks by mailing whole documents,

reports and My research work on every project.Here we missed the Knowledge Transfer of priority 1 tasks to the CEO. For that, I requested the dates

based on his convenience, and came up with a few dates, he mentioned reconfirming before


to the office about his availability of him, in that follow-up process, was postponed 2 times and

came up with few reasons not to take KT on those days. On a fine evening, he asked to come by 5 PM to

complete the

KT process, he arrived late and KT started at 6 PM on the same day without saying a single word about

Knowledge Transfer. 

And not at the end of the story, other discussions started regarding Skill development initiatives for


unemployed educated youth by inviting them for enrollment by taking resumes and Statement of

Purpose to shortlist and engage the industry experts based on the skills of the candidate.



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