Is Technology withstand without need of users/Businesses?

Every IT solution revolves around a certain problem that happened, suffered, and integrated with the businesses. Businesses facing various issues from policies, taxation, production, operations and human management, and whatnot. Need to accept the dynamics of business and suggesting the solution with IT by giving a fancy naming like digital transformation.

"Businesses and Technology should work for hand in hand and both are interdependence". Nowadays the gap between business and technology inseparable and spread to multiple cross platforms and sectors. Especially in the last decade for that reason, we called the Age of Information & Processing.

Last decade, we saw so many revolutions in technologies like IoT 3.0, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, GIS technologies, Data Science, Blockchain technologies, Adoption of Agile development methodology by breaking stereotypes of yesterdecades software development methods, digital transformation, and that chain would go on and continues forever like an infinite chain.

Every day citizens of the global community generate tons of Peta data that hitting the servers located in multiple locations of the globe which was driven by human emotions and technology available in the hands of the public. Every moment we generate lots of data by putting our opinions, updates about our personal life in various formats such as text, photo, video, and audio formats which are unstructured most of the time.

But technology always waiting to grab the opportunity to get insights into the raw and rough data by using analyzing, processing, sorting, and reporting using visual formats for providing quick insights of the tons of data that we called Data Science. Which capable to provide a simple visualization and supporting evidence in a distance of a single click.

I am sure, It does not end here. The technology revolution continues forever until businesses survive in this world.
 "No Business means No Technology Evolution, Technology built on the needs of Business Problems."


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