Are Skill Development Missions Successful?

Skill development missions are very common in India and abroad to upscale the skills of rural and urban educated and unemployed youth. Most of the skill development missions have common agenda to create employment with proper training and providing certifications by industrial experts. It’s in positive perspective.
Image result for Skill development
Do you think, is it helpful to uproot and groom the skills to create employment with few interactive sessions with industrial experts? There are lot of gaps in those missions. All the missions and objectives are time bound and no one have the accountability in creation of jobs except training. After training we need to put into test in real time and need to gather continues feedback from the attendees. And capture the information with proper questionnaire instead of ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questionnaire which can’t provide proper feedback to understand the attendee’s opinions.
Feedback System
Feedback system must be very strong and follow ups with attendees must be frequent and need to understand the problems which they are facing in real environment instead of simulation labs or workshops then only we can achieve our mission could be fulfill and expert teams could provide the solutions to the aspirants who are having strong will to achieve would be succeed by mentoring services.
Here everyone needs to understand, what is the outcome expecting from the particular skill development initiative and infrastructure & facilitation requirements. Where to equip all the arrangements and meeting location and communication mode for interaction. 
Before starting the skill development mission, we need to know
1.      Who are the attendees?
2.      What is the purpose of skill development?
3.      What is the mode of publicity?
4.      How to identify the acumen in the Subject Matter Experts?
5.      Eligibility criteria and Statement of purpose?
6.      What is the objective behind in conducting conference rooms?
We need to encourage the skill development missions by bringing and filling the gaps between learning and implementation by considering Skill Development core intensions.


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