World Of Smart Technologies

Mobile communications, fast internet speeds, availability of data and interpretation technologies are evolving very jiffy manner. And from last one decade, we observed so much of changes in utilization of technology in various sectors which improved the efficiency and shift the direction of operational process by obsolete the traditional technologies.

Mobile & Communication Technologies
Here we need to discuss about 2G- 3G- 4G to 5G and data processing technologies with supportive IoT and smart equipment’s like drones and Image processing technology.
In the early 2006, most of the nations having 2G technologies with very low data transfer rates like in Bytes and Kilobits. In another words, we can say technology compatibility is at very least. Technology is very costly in that era.
But now everything changed with entry of new players in communication space by opening the gates for private players in providing the Internet services.
Increase in the usage of smartphones, makes smart agriculture very feasible in the minds of end users (Farmers)

Internet of Things (IoT)
IOT evolution in the yearly 2010s- carried out by the embedded systems which power up the sensors to highest capabilities in communication and monitoring.
These IoT revolution bought the change in the operations of business doing in various sectors like Agriculture, IT, Pharma, Manufacturing Industries from food sector to Aerospace sector.
First, we need to talk about Agriculture sector and how sensors and IoT brought the change in the operations of Agriculture and allied sectors, by increasing the efficiency with very least investments on Agri technologies.
Agriculture- Soil monitoring sensors, Humidity calculation sensors will provide the live data to the farmers by Simple message Services (SMSs) and through email alerts about the soil health and fertility levels along with time to apply manure.

Satellite and Drone Technologies- Advancements in Imagery Analysis
Advancements happening in the satellite and drone technologies boost the trend by providing the images of the crop to identify the weeds and crop health with GPS co-ordinates, to understand the intensity of damage.
Here, we need to discuss about Drone technologies, If enable drones with programming the effected area, It could helps in how much of fertilizer required to apply on the effected location.
Data Analytics and Insights
All the hardware components (Sensors, Drones & Satellite Cameras) captures the each and every piece of information from the ground time to time, to utilize that information effectively, need a platform which convert complex data into meaningful insights in the form of reports and visualizations(Dashboards) which are understandable by common people(farmers) to take action immediately.

All these technologies and platforms integrated together creates a great jellying and provides the analytical solutions for businesses, to get effective and productive solutions with smart technologies to the businesses and customers on related sectors and fields.


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