Confusion !!!! Confusion !!!!

Wake up call!!!!! From the world of Finance

Financial literacy need to be embedded into society where most of the population were in confusion in differentiating Assets and Liabilities.

Why people are buying liabilities in the mask of assets. Most of the people in the world are lagging in financial knowledge. They can't able to differentiate what are assets and what are liabilities. They cheat themselves in the form of lagging knowledge.

  Investment patterns of different types of people.

 Poor or broke people buy stuff in they name of assets which don't have value in the future except scrap material.
Middle class people buy liabilities on the name of assets. They think that they bought asset but it doesn't generate any income to them every day and every month need to add fuel in the name of money.

Rich people : They are different breed from other than above people. They know how to appreciate their investments, most of the time they invests in gaining knowledge where to invest and how much returns we expect from each individual investment and having lots of patience to achieve the goals. Rich invests on people. 


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