Business Analyst Tips

Business Analyst Tips: 5 practical things never taught in a BA course: 1. Always work with an objective - Whether you are investigating an issue or attempting a business process improvement activity, knowing why you are performing that task is essential to measuring if you have accomplished what you set out to do. 2. Whenever possible, practice peer-review - Your peers can provide constructive feedback. It is extremely valuable to have a peer with no preconceived notion of the subject matter review your documentation; this helps ensure you are articulating your thoughts in a clear, concise manner. 3. Understand the business or subject matter - Learn as much as you can about the business or subject matter at task to be able to speak confidently and showcase your knowledge. This helps you identify with your client, empathize with their issues/challenges and forge better working relationships. 4. Always paint a picture with words - Flowcharts and diagrams are great, but always follow with a narrative describing the scenario. This helps to minimize mis-interpretation and also addresses different learning styles (not everyone can read a diagram and vice versa.) 5. Ask when you don't know - Asking questions is not a sign of incompetence; in fact, it shows that you are engaged, and know enough about the situation to be able to probe deeper. Generally, people are helpful in nature, therefore asking questions shows that they play an important role in the success of the task.


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