Racism And Discrimination

Racism :Not Taught by Society, Learnt from Society

Dear Readers,

Once again with Old concept in new angle of perception with wide angle of lens, To see the human psychological behavior to the other human being.
Racism is the belief that characteristics and abilities can be attributed to people simply on the basis of their race and that some racial groups are superior to others. Racism and discrimination have been used as powerful weapons encouraging fear or hatred of others in times of conflict and war, and even during economic downturns.

 Everyone  thinks that racism and discrimination belongs to the skin tone or country of origin. Even living in the era of globalization our tendency towards fellow human being not changed because of merely duties which we follow and traditions of our own.

*********Racism - Towards discrimination of Fellow Human Being********


                     Ablesim, discrimination factor by non-disabled persons are able to do and have capability to handle every work , without concerning their dedication to complete the task. Even disabled persons with strong will power achieved so much success in the past and present. Will achieve so much in the future.
                 As a able human being, seeing this narrow hole of discrimination making us disability in our viewing horizons.


                Classism, even part of racism making sick in the society by differentiating fellow persons based on their income levels and status in the society. Even friendship and bonding relations are arises based on the classism.


                Racism, discriminating the human beings based on the race superiority. Most of the cases racism based on the our external visibility factors


Caste is having so many shades to devast human relations majorly we will seen in Asian countries like India.
caste was defined as a system of segregation of people, each with a traditional hereditary occupation. The Jātis were alternatively grouped into four caste categories (the varnas): viz Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras. Certain people were excluded from varna, ostracised as untouchables.


                Sterotyping based on the Age. Mistreating the people based on their ages and mental patterns gained over the years of their experience looks stupid and keeping away from younger generation people.


                Sexixsm is one of the degrading factor in our society by creating gender inequality in human lifecycle by seeing the female are inferior to male counterparts.
                Even fighting against gender inequality going on there is no much progress in that matters.


“Sizeism = like racism, only against people who aren't a size two or four.” 
                Discrimination base on body shape, such as disdain toward overweight or underweight people  or treating ‘Normal Weight ’ as the standard.

Sexualism :

                  Treating heterosexuality as standard, therefore excluding homo, Pan,Asexual etc.


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