Harmony of LIfe- Enlightening the human Soul

Lots of emotions and stress, we come up in our lives. but balancing all the emotions and mental health is the core responsibility that is with us and will us forever. Lot of buzz on harmony in life, all are in the principles of organization for implementation I didn't see much.

"Living in harmony means achieving balance on all planes of your existence: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual."

Harmony is simple music which follows certain rhythmic activities. In our life, Harmony was linked with so many emotional and physical characteristics. To achieve life harmony is not a simple thing as discussed here. It takes so many years of practice in physical and spiritual ways. To make and achieve life balance is harmony in our life.

On the physical level, it means creating an effective routine that promotes good health. Your personal routine might address major areas such as food, movement and exercise, and sleep. By taking good care of your body and treating it lovingly and tenderly, you create the foundation for addressing your needs on the three other planes: emotional, mental, and spiritual. You also promote strength and resilience so you can weather life’s storms and be of service to others when necessary.

On the emotional level, living in harmony means becoming aware of your emotions. Once you train yourself to understand what you really are feeling at any moment, you have the opportunity to recognize that you are not those emotions. Next, you have creative choices in how to work with your emotions: once you feel them, you gain important data about your personal truth and state of balance. Then you can make choices about how you want to respond to that data. For example, if you feel anger, you may discover that something in your life has gone seriously out of balance
On the mental plane, living in harmony means recognizing the enormous power humans hold within their minds. Like a sword, the symbol used in tarot cards to indicate the mental realm, our minds can be powerful tools—or powerful weapons. To live in harmony, first notice your thoughts. Then realize that you are not your thoughts and you have power to choose which ones will occupy your mind. Pay attention to how certain thoughts make you feel.
On the spiritual plane, living in harmony means recognizing the eternal, unlimited world of the inner self or soul. To live in harmony, first acknowledge that an invisible world exists. Then allow yourself to learn about this world by noticing all the experiences you have that might be called spiritual or psychic, such as déja vu, synchronicity, precognition, awareness of prior lives, or simply an inner knowing or feeling of oneness with all creation. Next, consider how you might explore your inner world; although you might read books about spirituality or mysticism, your most important discoveries will come from your personal prayers or meditations. Resolve to make time for both on a regular basis. In time, you will not only make beautiful discoveries about your true self and worth but will be in a position to help other seekers by setting a good example and by encouraging them to embark on their own journeys within.


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