Response To Sound Waves : Chemical reactions in human body

                                                          How Music effects YOUR day

Want to be more productive in your workplace? Most of the people are raising their hands to say 'yes'.what makes motivate to work more, Money,Money,Money.It's only one of the factor to be more productive in work directly.There are another two factors which you needed to consider,Music is shows direct effects on our human brain in production of neurotransmitters to make each and every cell and nerve so active in the form of chemical reactions and transmitting through whole body.Now need to consider music.Motivation depends on which type of music you used to listen.

Music: One of the factor to give birth to 'Dopamine' 

1.Is music releases chemicals to make us more productive?
    simply yes,while listening to music which you preferred,produces chemical reactions in the name of "Dopamine".
   " Love is a drug which eases pain and motivation".
    "Music imprints itself on the brain deeper than any other human experience"
    "Music evokes emotion and emotion can bring with it memory"

Music is splendid thing
Cheer you up when you're sad,Make you dance like fool and Allow you drown out the world when you need it.


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