World Environmental Day June 5th

Today is world's Environmental day. Even today think once as a humanbeing, First thing what is the need to allocate one day in the year to Environmental day, It does n't mean be favour towards that only for this day. it mean to expose how we destructed the god's creation. and what is consequences to that destruction. its the day all the people learn how we behave with the our resources and planning how to minimise the pollution(all type of pollutions).Earth,Water,Air and so many things are issued by god to survive in this beautiful world with lot of fresh air by planting plants.God gifted us Earth to plough and earn food, Water is rich resource for so many protiens,vitamins and salts.

what are the steps to take to acheive healthy Environment to Future generations
  • Use renewable resources such as solar energy.photoelectronic cells are one of the best alternatives to use solar energy.
  • Use Carbon free things and prefer to use "GO GREEN " things.or less carbon emitting electronic devices
  • Cycle is one of the another best alternative to show our dedication to make our Environment hygenic. Cycling gives good health and lessen the usage  carbon emitting fuels such as petrol,desiel.
                                       technology leads the human to make such a things towards Environment. Now a days so many Governments issuing incentives for carbon trading. Its the good sign to the Human.All the companys trying to get "Go Green,Get Green " concept.


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