Stop Global Warming


        We are the humanbeings, we need change, for that change we change all our resources and environment. yet the world is suffering from so many issues in differentiated when compared to living standards from decade to decade. This decade 2000-2010, we saw so many changes in technologically and economically. its good sign to every country and citizens of the countries. all leads to deforestation. every event is interlinked with other events its may be social,political,environmental,economical and technological. major events happend in this decade are 2002 september 11 attack on WTO towers, 2004 december 26th Tsunami and lot of other events included in this decade. all nations are trying to get "GO GREEN" to make environmental friendly. Its our time to stop global warming by massive publicity, how we are depends upon environment and creating awareness in the rural and urban people. This video is the live example. this very sad to think also.Even seeing this video change i am expecting some change in the human attitude towards environment.
                                              "SAVE OUR PLANET, SAVE OUR SURVIVAL"


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