Everyone is trying to go for their own and unique identity, in this way we all are responsible for protect the cultures of our own and other countries also. The whole world seeing Africa as a dark continent untill early 20th century. Due to changes in the Environmental gives a great opportunities for all the other countries to participate and associate with their economic and political areas. All of us must be ther participators in the development of whole african countries. Africa is the hertiage, Africa is the culture, Africa is the emerging place for foreign investments.Africa having more natural resources compared to other nations because of the forests,deserts,waterfalls and so many. The smartness and blackness are the god gifts to them. No one can misunderstood them.
Considering some of the countries in the Africa suffering from some problems which are described below
  • Political instability in some of the nations
  • more number of illiterature people
  • span of life is less
  • medical facilites are not good still yet
  • contribution is very less to the outer world through exports and so many to discuss
Now all the world trying to invest and searching for new business opportunities to contribute in the world's economy. Here we consider the heritage, the world life is born in that place at the iceage time, they learnt how to survive on this land of life(Earth), rich culture, ethical values,coloniage, thousands of language are yet to spoken by african tribal people, god gifted natural resources such as forests,waterfalls,habitat,spicies. Nations like Egypt shows the world how rich they were in the ancient times with their valuable pyramids. Egypt is one of the most place to learn their habits and culture, its famous for its Diamonds. some of the areas of the Africa doing fightings to own the diamonds.


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